A new home and a new dog to watch the new home! ....Make no mistake, he does it VERY well.
Meet "Buddy."
A series of discs make up the deck.
One of the discs is the TIKI bar.
I usually start here and end up in the dog house.
We are still unpacking boxes so not much to show of the inside for now. However, since it is rather hot outside, I have started to build my little hobby room in the basement. Below will be my progress or lack there of.
I did mention boxes didn't I? This is to be part of my space. The previous owner stored hardwood trim on the dowel racks. I want to salvage them to an extent and adapt them for the storage that I feel I need.
So first up is some shelves. I've never used OSB before. Thought I'd give it a try. (Overall verdict later on) I could not get 4 x 8 sheets home so Lowe's kindly ripped them in to three equal pieces per sheet. Also brought home an arm load of 1 x 2's.
Donna bought me a small nailer (actually brads) for Father's Day. Bless her heart. I've never used one. Great fun once you get them to go where you want them!! :)
Here is the first shelve going together. Seems easy enough.
Now with some paint on it. This is the first little thing learned about OSB. It doesn't take paint all that well. Tends to raise the grain. But for basic basement shelving I'm still okay with it.
Here is a bunch of them just sitting on the original dowels at the original spacing. I don't plan on placing anything too heavy on the shelves, but I think I will add another 1 x 2 on the backs to give the shelves some additional support from bowing.
Removed all the existing short dowels and cut new ones that fit the depth of the shelves. That left me with a bunch of round kindling for this winters fires in the fireplace. I also spaced the dowels to better fit my anticipated needs. Made a double deep one for the top.
Going back to this photo one can easily determine I lack a little light. I'm working on my "imitation sun" next.
Here is the start of it. I plan for a flat panel of two florescent fixtures and then two angled panels with two additional fixtures each.
Still don't like the way OSB accepts paint, but your not going to be able to see the raised grain because you're going to be squinting with all the brightness! :)
Well here it is in all its glory. It ended up weighing about 70 pounds so I have to figure a way to get it up to the ceiling using just my Wife. :)
I'm a crane guy, so certainly I should be able to figure something out. A couple of two sheave pulleys, some hooks, and rope to lighten Wifey's load. Hey! someone has to operate the dangerous nail guns and power screwdrivers. That be me.
Almost ready. Honey, are you ready?
PULL Donna, PULL!!
Much better lighting now. Good job Donna!
The walls were almost white. Now they are "really" white. Painted the floor too.
Next I need a heavier duty shelf to hold some of my power tools.
This went well and will allow me to keep most of the power tools in one area.
Added a couple more shelves and started to place items back into my little room.
More later.